Exercise and Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching is an interactive and empowering process that allows you, as the client to more set the direction than if you were just being trained. At Vector Health, we encourage you to set the direction and then let us come up with the plan, and the resources to help you achieve your goals.

One of our sayings in performance coaching is “science delivered with a smile” meaning that we want to use the research and deliver a great program to you but do it in a way that makes you feel comfortable, supported and empowered to go away and do the little things to achieve your objective.

Our philosophy is not about the short-term gains, it’s about seeing improvements across all of you – physically, mentally and emotionally. There is more to physical capacity than just training hard. 

#VHAP coaches pride themselves on delivering a service where they will listen, offer practical advice, assess, test and set a program that is backed by science, not gimmicks.

Chris Kennard has been a regular #TEAMVHAP for many years ago and you can hear about his experience with our team in the video! 


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