
Waking up with a sore neck?

**WAKING UP WITH A SORE NECK?** Are you waking up with a sore neck? Feeling restless throughout the neck? Bad mood following this interferring with your day? We can help! Lauren Kloppers, one of our Physiotherapists here at Vector Health, talks us through why you may be experiencing this! Some important points to remember is:– […]

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Why do we need hamstrings?

Hamstring Strength – and some information about Hamstrings and their importance! “People tend to ask why do we need our hamstrings and what are their role within the body.” What are the Hamstring/s? The hamstring muscle is built up of 3 muscles, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work together to produce and control

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Why do we test you

Why do we test? 1. Provide objective feedback at the start, during and the end of a training cycle. 2. Where necessary, provide feedback that helps benchmark against athletes that you are going to compete against. At Vector Health, we test in two ways. We test objectively, so measures such as vertical jump, speed, agility,

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