
Why does my back hurt?

Anyone who has had back pain for any length of time will agree that the question of “Why does my back hurt?” is something that for some, becomes a 1 million dollar question. There are so many reasons, but if I had to choose the most common reasons for back pain that exists over 1 […]

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Did you know that our bodies are 70% water? Why is it important to know this?

Our heart rate and body temperature increases when we exercise or are out in the heat on a hot day. The way our body regulates this increase in body temperature is through sweating (evaporation), through a process called thermoregulation. Once we finish exercising, we need to replace the fluid lost by rehydrating. Rehydrating after exercise

Did you know that our bodies are 70% water? Why is it important to know this? Learn More »

Greg Muir: Movember and his cancer story

Greg Muir: Movember and his cancer story Supporting our clients through every stage of their lives is so important to us. To us, health involves the whole person, not just physical fitness. Going through cancer is a scary time, and the uncertainty of the situation affects every part of your life. We provide services to

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Working out on an empty stomach, why you should or shouldn’t do this.

As mentioned before the information differs for different chronic health populations, with medications and biological factors playing a role. Eating meals containing carbohydrates are known to increase blood glucose and insulin concentrations. When this is followed by exercise, glucose uptake into skeletal muscle is enhanced, leading to a lower effect on blood glucose. This has

Working out on an empty stomach, why you should or shouldn’t do this. Learn More »

What are Headaches and Migraines? How can we help relieve the symptoms?

Headaches? Headaches are characterised as any pain present in the head or face. While there are many different types of headaches, they can be classified into two main groups: Primary Headaches and Secondary Headaches. Primary Headaches are not due to another underlying medical condition (Migraine, Cluster headaches, and Tension Headaches fall into this category). Secondary

What are Headaches and Migraines? How can we help relieve the symptoms? Learn More »

What is Parkinson’s Disease |Bridget Nash

What is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinsons is the second most common Neurodegenerative disease, second after Alzheimer. The neurological system includes the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves throughout our body. Parkinsons disease is the deterioration of the receptors that accept dopamine. Within our body, we have specific receptors for particular cells. Those receptors job is

What is Parkinson’s Disease |Bridget Nash Learn More »

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