
New Year Junior Clinic

NEW YEAR JUNIOR CLINIC ????‍♀️ Start the year off right with this three-day intensive clinic where you will learn things about nutrition and technique as well as all things mobility, agility, speed, flexibility, strength, and aerobic fitness. Day one and three will be at Vector Health and day 2 will be out at a park […]

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Knee Valgus

What is it? Basically it is the knee dropping in sideways. You can usually see this when someone is doing squats, lunges and any sort of gait pattern. Why does it happen? It can be for a couple of reasons. Sometimes your abductors can be too tight or overactive, these are the muscles running on the inside

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Bilo Clinic 2020

2 Day Clinic for $99 This clinic will be run in the first week of the school holidays.Day 1 – 11th of December at 9am – 3pm at Redeemer and Anytime GymDay 2 – 12th of December at 9am – 12pm at Redeemer12 people per session Day 1 will consist of testing the athlete’s abilities

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Why do we need hamstrings?

Hamstring Strength – and some information about Hamstrings and their importance! “People tend to ask why do we need our hamstrings and what are their role within the body.” What are the Hamstring/s? The hamstring muscle is built up of 3 muscles, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work together to produce and control

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Why do we test you

Why do we test? 1. Provide objective feedback at the start, during and the end of a training cycle. 2. Where necessary, provide feedback that helps benchmark against athletes that you are going to compete against. At Vector Health, we test in two ways. We test objectively, so measures such as vertical jump, speed, agility,

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