
Hip Thrusts

These are great exercises that are relatively easy to do and are great at tightening the glutes! Glutes are really important as they help support your back including your lumbar spine and also support your knees. When we are doing any kind of glute work we want to be in a posterior position to be […]

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Reduced Range Dead Bug

This exercise is great at building trans abdominal pressure! Make sure to keep your spine imprinted into the floor and core engaged.– Start by coming into the classic dead bug position with arms up straight and legs up at right angles– Starting at level one, lower one leg at a time down to a box

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Why do we need hamstrings?

Hamstring Strength – and some information about Hamstrings and their importance! “People tend to ask why do we need our hamstrings and what are their role within the body.” What are the Hamstring/s? The hamstring muscle is built up of 3 muscles, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. These muscles work together to produce and control

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Why do we test you

Why do we test? 1. Provide objective feedback at the start, during and the end of a training cycle. 2. Where necessary, provide feedback that helps benchmark against athletes that you are going to compete against. At Vector Health, we test in two ways. We test objectively, so measures such as vertical jump, speed, agility,

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