Exercise Physiologist

1 person will be diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes

In Australia, 1 person will be diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes. Physical inactivity and obesity have been found to be a risk factor in the development of some cancers. Accredited Exercise Physiologist’s have specialised knowledge and skills in the principles surrounding fitness testing, exercise prescription and programming, as well as having an understanding of

1 person will be diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes Learn More »

Effect of Pregnancy on the Pelvic Floor | Chloe Petith

A number of factors contribute to weakening of the pelvic floor during pregnancy:1. Hormonal changes cause the pelvic floor (muscles and tissues) to soften and stretch;2. Weight gain;3. Straining with constipation; and4. Inappropriate pregnancy and postnatal exercises such as intense core abdominal exercises and high impact exercise (e.g. jogging). Benefits of Pelvic Exercises for Pregnancy

Effect of Pregnancy on the Pelvic Floor | Chloe Petith Learn More »

Heart Health Check

I thought I would write this to help people understand the importance of heart health and what you can do about it. The information on the Heart Foundation website about what a Health Check of your Heart looks like is HERE. Please go and check this out if you are over 45 years of age

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How is an Exercise Physiologist different to a personal trainer?

How is an Exercise Physiologist different to a personal trainer? What is an Exercise Physiologist? University Trained Allied Health Professional, with a 4-year degree specialising in the assessment and exercise prescription to help people with health or injury challenges. How are they different from a Personal Trainer?They are a registered allied health professional. Their professional

How is an Exercise Physiologist different to a personal trainer? Learn More »

What is your Lymphatic System and how we can help with Lymphedema

What is your Lymphatic System?Your lymphatic system is a marvellous cross between your immune and circulatory systems consisting of tissue, vessels and nodes.  It circulates lymph fluid throughout your body that collects bacteria, viruses and waste products. The fluid flows into your lymph nodes via the vessels, where lymphocytes filter out the waste/infectious materials. These

What is your Lymphatic System and how we can help with Lymphedema Learn More »

Smoking Risks, what are they?

Smoking has been a contentious practice over the last couple of decades. To try and help make informed decisions about smoking here is some information to help you.  Nicotine is the addictive chemical in cigarettes which acts on the brain by releasing adrenaline and dopamine. Researchers at Harvard are researching the effects/ benefits of nicotine

Smoking Risks, what are they? Learn More »

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