Rockhampton and Yeppoon Clinic

Glenn Hansen – Co-owner and Head Performance Coach

Place of Study and Qualifications

BA (Psychology) 
MEsci (Strength and Conditioning) (current)
Dip Frontline Management
Certificate IV Training and Assessing
Certificate IV Personal Training
Level II Strength and Conditioning Coach
Level 1 Weightlifting Coach
Powerlifting Coach
McGill Method Certified
Level II Cricket Coach
Level II Athletics Coach

About me

Glenn Hansen has more than 25 years of coaching experience.  His areas of interest are: Strength and Conditioning for swimming, cricket, rowing and running athletes, lower-back rehabilitation using the McGill Method and coaching Men over 40 years of age how to be more self-confident through improving their strength.  Glenn founded Vector Health & Performance in 2010 and together with Miche Hansen, Director of Allied Health is very proud of the contribution that Vector Health & Performance makes to people’s health, wellness and fitness in the Central Queensland community. 

Glenn has previously been an Australian Powerlifting Coach, having been to two world championships, and has mentored and coached many young athletes along their journey to state, national and international representation.  Glenn also teaches Certificate III Fitness at The Rockhampton Grammar School, where in 2024, he was awarded the Binnacle Ambassador award for Queensland for Certificate III Fitness teaching. 

Glenn is currently completing his Masters in Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning) at Edith Cowan University and has accepted a place to complete a Level III Strength and Conditioning Coach (Master Coach) in 2024.

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